Welcome to Chapter 4 of GHOST WRITER! With each chapter, I hope you’ll find new insights, thought-provoking questions, and an expanded awareness of your limitless, multi-dimensional nature. Thank you for being part of this journey—enjoy the series!
It Is All Good, in the End
When I think of Susanna, it’s not her face that appears first in my memory, it’s her voice. Some voices simply carry words, Susanna’s seemed to carry her soul. Here sat a client in her twenties asking ordinary questions about love and relationships yet somehow also radiating the presence of a luminous wisewoman. Her gentle nature appeared to bridge two worlds—the familiar and the divine—with such presence that both seemed perfectly placed.
She confided that she struggled to understand why people in her life, especially romantic partners, acted so far beneath their potential. The disconnect between who they could be and how they behaved wounded her deeply. She felt particular anguish when she witnessed them operating from fear and ignorance rather than love. This aspect of human nature bewildered and distressed her, and she hoped our session might help her find peace with this perplexing paradox. I wondered if her relationships reflected a dichotomous inner landscape—one that mirrored both her deep desire to be loved and her conviction that it could never happen.
As I turned my inner attention to Spirit and her helping guides, messages began coming through encouraging her to spend more time in nature. Interacting with the healing vibrations of plants and animals in addition to the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water would help dissipate tension and cultivate a sense of harmony with earthly life. Spirit reminded her that most beings act from love, and she could learn to connect with people who had a healthy ability to interrelate rather than accept bad behavior from those who could not.
She took the guidance to heart and began making positive changes in her life. Moving to a home outside the city strengthened her connection to earth medicine, and accepting a new job offer promised fulfilling career growth. These changes brought more peace and contentment, yet she found it difficult to sustain these comfortable feelings. Loneliness remained like a hole in her heart that might never be filled. “Everything I want revolves around sharing love with a life partner,” she confided. “I still dream of building a future with someone special.”
Our sessions continued once or twice a year, usually following a disappointing outcome with a new romantic interest. Though her spiritual knowledge and wellness practices expanded, she struggled to align them with choices born of fear and loneliness. She found herself unable to refuse lovers who treated her badly. Though she intellectually understood this approach could never lead to the partnership she envisioned, some part of her believed she should accept any opportunity for love. This entrenched pattern left her emotionally and energetically depleted.
One day, I heard her familiar, beautiful voice in my phone messages: “Meaghan, it’s Susanna. I’ve received some upsetting news, and I’d like to have a reading and get some insight. Can we set something up?”
We scheduled the session as soon as possible. When the day arrived, she said she’d been experiencing headaches along with a stiff neck, which had prompted her to consult a medical doctor. Since adopting a more holistic lifestyle years before, she rarely sought conventional medicine. However, these unusual and persistent symptoms concerned her enough to seek answers. Her doctor ran several tests but couldn't make a clear diagnosis, suggesting she see a neurologist. Though worried by this recommendation, she initially hesitated to follow through. “Surely the doctor is being overly cautious,” she thought. “I probably just need rest and a return to cleaner eating.”
As days passed, the stiffness and pain continued. After two weeks of hoping it would resolve naturally, she finally scheduled the appointment with the neurologist. The subsequent testing was both invasive and painful, but the diagnosis came swiftly: spinal cancer. Now facing critical decisions about her treatment path, she wanted additional perspective from a medical intuitive standpoint.
Medical intuitive readings can provide useful, practical information for clients experiencing disease or healing from injury. Though only licensed physicians can provide medical diagnoses, a psychic medium can reveal the spiritual, energetic, and emotional origins of physical conditions. Understanding these source vibrational causes can be invaluable when considering treatment and management options.
In the realm of vibrational healing and shamanic medicine, holistic practitioners understand that if we can identify and transform the non-physical origin of an affliction, the physical symptoms may resolve naturally as the body returns to balance. Some conventional medical treatments, I’ve observed, focus on eradicating visible physical symptoms while leaving the deeper origin of the disease unexplored. To me, this approach resembles pulling leaves from a weed while leaving the root system intact, supporting aggressive regrowth rather than true healing.
Life eventually presents each of us with decisions about treating physical disease, injury, or disability. While circumstances vary widely, and choices range from simple to complex, my years of practice show me that we serve ourselves best by embracing both energy medicine and conventional treatments. Each approach brings unique advantages and strengths, becoming powerful allies when combined. Yet sometimes The Great Mystery reveals a higher path, where healing transcends physical intervention and earthly efforts. These sacred experiences transport us into states of grace, calling us to our soul’s home.
Susanna initially chose to follow her doctor’s suggestions regarding conventional treatment for the cancer. And along with these efforts she intended to continue her personal spiritual practices and holistic approaches to nutrition. Eventually, after months of arduous, intensive healing efforts, her condition continued to decline. With extraordinary courage, she chose to end treatment.
Teacher said,
I want to explain a concept that is important. And I want to present it as simply as possible for clarity. This young woman stands at a crossroads and understands that she must make a choice about whether to live or die. She is on her way to becoming the Greater Self that is right now viewing the young woman self as a moment point in its own advancement.
She is using the information she has gained from her spiritual practice as an outer demonstration of her inner knowingness of this choice. In other words, she has developed her inner awareness to such a degree that she perceives her Greater Self’s attention on her and translates it into her own terms as: “I am at a choice point, I must decide consciously if I shall live or I shall die.”
This gave her Greater Self a start when it realized that who it was observing (Susanna) had become aware that they were being observed. This does not always happen. Greater Selves (or Higher Selves, or Inner Selves) can be surprised by the behaviors of their points of focus, and by points of focus, I mean a physically based personality such as this young woman. To the Greater Self, a life is an observable point of focus. To her credit, this young woman begins to consider what is meant by living or dying. Is she less alive if she stays in the body? Will she be more alive if she departs? It is a creative way to consider the choice. She will choose the fullest expression of this creativity which will result in leaving the body behind. And for her, it will be the correct choice. She will remain conscious throughout and return to the Greater Self clear-eyed, serene, and satisfied. She will accept that this choice makes the human life no longer necessary. She will consider this a positive outcome. She will then move very quickly into her next chosen expression as a teacher in the nonphysical realm, instructing others in the fundamentals of reality-creating within a human body on planet earth when catastrophic physical illness is involved.
I remember my final conversation with Susanna. Her voice carried both peace and resolution as she discussed her healthcare decisions. And I noticed the rare and profound state of grace I have sensed before with clients approaching life’s end. Clairvoyantly, this manifests as pure, brilliant light radiating from the heart and crown, announcing that the higher soul self is drawing closer to the physical form.
A few weeks later, Susanna’s brother called to tell me she had passed away.
Teacher said,
Susanna is doing much better now. In fact, it looks as though she has a note for you. It is an energetic thank-you note. This would explain why you have been thinking about her recently. The sentiment contained within the note is appreciation along with reassurance that she, Susanna, feels free now. She says, “I am fine. I am at peace.”
She would like to share that, in life, she often felt fragile, brittle, and weak, both physically and mentally. She is relieved to shed those sensitivities now. She is letting us know that her spiritual work made her feel stronger and less vulnerable.
Susanna would like to say that she is available to provide more information, support, and guidance regarding immediate afterlife experiences. And because she is perfectly qualified to speak about this particular afterlife timeframe, we would encourage Meaghan to consult with her via automatic writing.
Of course, I immediately took the opportunity to communicate with Susanna and set up an automatic writing session.
Hello Meaghan. Yes, it’s me, Susanna. I’ve been around for quite a while now, wanting to continue this process of working together. Yes, I’m in a different place now, being on the other side, but it’s not really that different than our phone sessions.
I asked her, “Did you think about this possibility of working together before your death? Consciously, I mean?”
No, I didn’t, although very soon after my death it became obvious, and I loved the idea of telling my story and using it as a way to help others understand death and dying. If I could, I would write my own book. As it is, I can at least work with and write through you.
My guides and your guides helped me so much in life. I was able to trust my own psychic perceptions because of watching you do the same thing in our sessions. You gave me confidence, faith, and trust.
The illness brought me so much understanding about life and the human condition. I was able to impact my doctors and caregivers with my spiritual beliefs. As I became more and more conscious that I would be dying, I started to speak about my beliefs. This sharing helped me to vibrate differently even before my physical body died, and others noticed this. In a way, I became almost angelic to them. Of course, it wasn’t that I was so angelic as much as this is how my energy was seen at the time.
“I recall your soothing voice and beautiful heart. I am so sorry for the times you suffered, even before the cancer. I know it was hard for you to be here sometimes,” I said.
It was! I could never quite accept that I wasn’t able to change everything that I wanted to. I had difficulty accepting the parameters of being in a human body. You get this, I know. I wanted to be the witch who could wiggle her nose and make anything happen.
So, when I died, I first became aware of a shimmering tunnel made up of fast-moving light particles. There was a strong sensation of acceleration, and I felt powerfully drawn to move with, and into, this force. This is like a reverse labor contraction during birth. A supernatural creative thrust ignites and there is no choice but to go along with it because you are powerless to do anything else. It is out of your control. I began to feel full of light and a growing emotional exhilaration, as if I had begun the biggest roller coaster ride of my life.
After that, I was just floating and feeling suspended in what I can only describe as being like amniotic fluid. It was warm and buoyant, not wet, though there was substance to it. I felt so relaxed, the most relaxed I had ever felt, and it was amazing. I couldn’t help but just laugh out loud. Very soon I realized I could fling my arms and legs out and spin and swoop and cartwheel. There was so much freedom. This is joy, I thought. I feel joy. And I realized there were others with me, sharing in my laughter. I turned my head and called to them, “Hello, come out, I know you’re there!”
I was met by four light-beings who I immediately recognized as my guides. They were thrilled to greet me, and I was ecstatic about having emerged back into the light. It felt like coming up from deep water after swimming against a current, finally to pop up and take in the biggest breath of the sweetest air ever! My spirit was singing. My guides were hugging me and patting me on the back saying: “Great job! You did so well! Congratulations on finishing so beautifully. Wow!” We all laughed and laughed, and high-fived each other.
I began to understand that had I lived, it would not have been the highest outcome for me. I would have had many, many years of extreme struggle, discomfort, and hardship. I would have felt trapped in a hamster wheel of medical treatments and cycles of remission followed by brutal resurgences of the cancer. By the way, cancer has its own consciousness. It has definitely become an “entity” in your world. Meaghan, you could also write a whole book just about the spiritual considerations of cancer.
How interesting, I thought. And having worked with many clients experiencing cancer, I resonated with the idea of the illness as an entity.
Susanna continued,
When you die, one thing that happens is your nervous system expands to meet the incoming energies of your spirit, your soul. It’s like a docking station and this helps you enhance the bond between your physical self and your soul. When you’re born, this bond contracts so that you don’t slip out of your body and return to spirit (that is, unless you’re intending to be really psychic). This re-bonding is the “tunnel” effect a lot of people experience when they are passing over. It sort of syncs you up with the true rhythm of your soul, bringing up the “bass” in a way, resuscitating your full connection to home, reinflating the life raft.
Sitting with Curt at our channeling session the next evening, I started receiving messages before fully entering the trance state. This sometimes happens and seems to be a helpful warm-up phase, enabling my conscious awareness to begin releasing and stepping aside.
I said, “Teacher is saying she had her own fair share of interactions with doctors when experiencing a life-threatening illness. Both she and Susanna are discussing the value of medical professionals considering intuitive insights and alternative perspectives. The intention isn’t to reform the medical industry, but to suggest that patients could engage in more meaningful dialogues with their doctors, potentially opening new avenues for discussing treatment options. Susanna seems to particularly resonate with this from speaking with her own doctors about mortality. She is passionate about deepening our understanding of healing and treatment—and considering quality of life along with longevity.”
And with that, Teacher began channeling through me, adding,
Physical illness is not random, it does not occur by chance or for no reason. For there is no need; the body is intelligent enough to function with very little disturbance. Therefore, major disturbances such as serious illness or injury are intended to deliver the experiencer to a strong and obvious outcome whether by discontinuing the life or continuing it in an altered fashion. You could say illness or injury, when serious, is one of your strongest navigational tools. From these greater considerations, illness or injury then moves one into vast considerations having to do with relationships and the opportunities illness or injury afford all who come in contact with the ill or injured one. Interactions brought about by illness and injury are particularly rich territory for expressing compassion, caring, and love. And also fear, grief, anger, and hopelessness. Additionally, there are physiological, biological, and medical considerations for management of the situation. From a certain perspective, it could be said that humankind has turned the physical human body into a particular canvas of unique earthly and corporeal experience. The human body becomes a powerful medium for expansion and learning.
It should be shared that when one dies, or when one meets death through a physical illness, there is a swift and complete release and cessation of the effects of the illness. And while it may occur to you that this is an obvious consideration, nevertheless there are many who might secretly wonder if dying may not offer release. After death you retain in most cases the ability to revisit a fair representation of the physical feelings of pain, discomfort or illness, if you wish. This would require an active and conscious choice. It is not a state you would be placed in without your own decision making. I would also like to point out that because illness is a deliberate choice at some level of your being, you need not walk around believing you have some sort of illness-target on your back and it is only a matter of time before one arrow or another will find its mark and fell you. This is not how physical illness or disease operates despite what some might tell you is true. There are no true genetic dispositions, there are no inherited traits, none of these types of explanations are accurate at the Higher Self level. If these types of situations were truly causes of deadly or chronic disease, most of you would not last through gestation, let alone childhood.
This is why I suggest when experiencing physical ailments, you objectively interpret, whenever possible, the reasons for initiating such a state. And remember, this is something within your power that you can do no matter what you have been told about your condition. It is possible for you to observe your situation from a place of learning and openness and curiosity, and I would encourage this exercise for you. Intentionally place yourself in a position of deeper understanding. And this understanding will change outcomes, allowing the experience of a more powerful and less weakened position within your physicality. This will be extraordinarily beneficial for your condition and your comfort. This practice of objectified consideration of your physical state will enhance confidence in the overall certainty of your beinghood and the meaning of any healing situation you are currently in.
To draw this chapter to a close, here is a note I received through automatic writing:
Hello to all of you reading this book. This is Susanna again. I’m here with a final message.
I would like to say that dying taught me the value of living. I was finally able to understand that I could have easily extended patience and understanding to myself and others more often than I did. It would have been so much easier on my body.
The human mind is an interesting puzzle — or maze, maybe? I would get lost in my own thinking and lose sight of what was truly important to me, what I valued most. Don’t do that. Hold on to what you value, to what is important. Your dreams are talking to you through these things. Listen carefully.
My job now is to work with you — those of you finding your way through living with serious illness. I know how to talk to doctors from where I am now and believe me, I am talking, a lot. I tell them to listen, to keep their minds open, to feel, to reconsider, to think creatively, to be innovators. Mostly, I remind them to listen to you. So, talk! Tell them what you value, tell them what is most important. Ask them why they believe what they believe. Ask them to tell you more. Ask them what is possible. Ask them to think differently.
I love you. We all love you. You are never, ever alone. You are more powerful than you imagine. It is all good, in the end. I’m proof of that.